Arabesque 2014

Artwork (photographs and layout) I have made in 2014 at t-lab studio for the Ensemble Arabesque, a baroque music ensemble which plays around the Riviera.

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Nestlé CSV Forum 2014

Some print elements I designed at t-lab studio for the Nestlé Creating Shared Value Global Forum 2014 which took place at the Nestlé Research Center near Lausanne.

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Labels for coffee packagings that I have made at t-lab studio.

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Nestlé Sustainability event 2013

Lightboxes I have made at t-lab studio for the Nestlé Sustainability Event 2013, which took place at Nestlé’s Headquarters in Vevey.

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Posters and flyers (2008)

  Some print work I have done during my first internship at Agence Communiquez (Lyon).

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